The World of Subsurface Irrigation: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices


Subsurface irrigation is a method of watering plants by delivering water directly to the root zone, below the soil surface. This technique has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous advantages over traditional surface irrigation methods. In this article, we will delve into the world of subsurface irrigation, exploring its pros, cons, and best practices for implementation.

Pros of Subsurface Irrigation

1. Water Efficiency: One of the biggest advantages of subsurface irrigation is its high water efficiency. By delivering water directly to the root zone, this method minimizes water loss through evaporation and runoff. It ensures that plants receive the necessary moisture while reducing water waste.

2. Weed Control: Subsurface irrigation also helps in controlling weeds. Since the water is delivered directly to the roots, the soil surface remains dry, making it less favorable for weed growth. This reduces the need for herbicides and manual weed removal.

3. Disease Prevention: Another benefit of subsurface irrigation is the reduced risk of plant diseases. By avoiding overhead watering, which can lead to the spread of fungal and bacterial pathogens, this method helps maintain the health of plants.

4. Aesthetics: Subsurface irrigation is an excellent option for landscapes where aesthetics are important. Since the water is delivered below the surface, there are no visible sprinklers or drip lines, resulting in a clean and uncluttered appearance.

Cons of Subsurface Irrigation

1. Installation Cost: One of the main drawbacks of subsurface irrigation is the initial installation cost. Compared to traditional irrigation methods, the installation of subsurface systems can be more expensive. However, the long-term benefits and savings in water usage often outweigh the initial investment.

2. Limited Flexibility: Subsurface irrigation systems are not as flexible as surface methods. Once installed, it can be challenging to make adjustments or relocate the system. This can be a disadvantage for landscapes that undergo frequent changes or renovations.

3. Maintenance Requirements: Subsurface irrigation systems require regular maintenance to ensure their proper functioning. This includes periodic checks for clogged emitters or pipes, as well as monitoring the water pressure and flow. Neglecting maintenance can lead to system failure and reduced efficiency.

Best Practices for Implementing Subsurface Irrigation

1. Soil Preparation: Before installing a subsurface irrigation system, it is crucial to prepare the soil properly. This involves loosening the soil and removing any rocks or debris that could interfere with the water distribution. Adequate soil preparation ensures even water distribution and prevents clogging of the system.

2. Proper System Design: The design of a subsurface irrigation system plays a significant role in its effectiveness. It is essential to consider factors such as soil type, plant water requirements, and slope when designing the system. Consulting with a professional irrigation designer can help ensure an optimal design.

3. Regular Maintenance: As mentioned earlier, regular maintenance is vital for the proper functioning of subsurface irrigation systems. This includes checking for clogged emitters, adjusting water pressure, and monitoring overall system performance. Regular maintenance helps prolong the lifespan of the system and ensures efficient water delivery.

4. Monitor Soil Moisture: It is essential to monitor the soil moisture levels regularly. This can be done using soil moisture sensors or by visually inspecting the soil. Monitoring soil moisture helps prevent over or under-watering, ensuring that plants receive the appropriate amount of water.

5. Consider Planting Patterns: When implementing subsurface irrigation, it is beneficial to consider the planting patterns. Grouping plants with similar water requirements together can help optimize water usage and ensure that each plant receives adequate moisture.


Subsurface irrigation offers several advantages over traditional surface irrigation methods. It provides efficient water usage, weed control, disease prevention, and a visually appealing landscape. While it may have some drawbacks such as installation cost and limited flexibility, these can be outweighed by the long-term benefits. By following best practices for implementation and regular maintenance, subsurface irrigation can be a highly effective and sustainable irrigation method for various landscapes.